Sunday 6 November 2011

Points of Reference

These early films by Muybridge, Edison Films, and Marey Films, show the body in various motions. The use of photographs to create motion resemble the aesthetic in Forms of Friction. The staggered motion of the films as well as the black and white contrasts inspire the overall aesthetic of Forms of Friction. 

Sadie Benning - 

Robert Mapplethorpe - 

Del Lagrace Volcano - 

The Three Graces, London (1992)

Andro Del, London, 2000

Chuck Samuels-

After Newton, 1990
After Outerbridge, 1990

Untitled 1

Untitled 2

Untitled 5

Installation - Before Photograohy (2010)
Tejal Shah -

Chingari Chumma/Stinging Kiss (2000)

Chingari Chumma/Stinging Kiss (2000)

Trans (2004-2005)
Trans (2004-2005)

Chris Cunningham - 

Minnette Vari - 

Alien, 1998
Alien, 1998
Alien, 1998

In the News

Pregnant Man
Thomas Beatie, the worlds first pregnant man (F to M) allows for the body to be viewed outside of heteronormative restrictions. Beatie still maintained his female repreductive organs, and was able to carry and birth a child. The images of a pregnant Beatie are powerful in relation to Forms of Friction. This image portrays the unlimited potential of the body, a body which has been changed and is in the process of change.

Transgender Organ Donation
Transgendered organ donation is not abnormal, but it does relate to the posthuman. The notion of organ donation in a sense is an exchange of organs. This exchange allows for organs to act as a prosthesis which one desires, attains, and then could very well exchange themselves.  It allows for a continuous loop, no beginning middle or end.

Trans Friendly Restrooms
The issue of trans friendly restrooms is a heated topic within the queer community. Within relation to Forms of Friction, the notion of a restroom where multiple bodies and identities congregate allows for a space for these bodies. This space allows for these individuals to be themselves and not under surveillance of societal discrimination.

Sex Change Gene
The sex change gene brings up the idea that our gender is not definitive once it becomes visible within the womb, and even after birth within adults. Through changing one gene a female can become male and vice versa. In an ideal setting this creates the potential for unlimited gender fluidity, in which individuals hold the capacity to take on the form of male and female, and potentially both simultaneously.

Gay Teen Suspended for Wearing Makeup
Makeup on male bodies is unfortunately viewed as feminine. This creates a problem when a male does wish to wear makeup. Through enforcing the notion of femininity in association with makeup maintains heteronormative ideologies of the masculine and feminine, and view infringing upon this ideology as disruptive. It is however, this disruption that participates in breaking down these binaries.

Are Dildos Art?
Dildo's act as a prosthesis. They are either loved or hated, and much debate surrounds them regarding the idealization of the male body as superior. The idea that these prosthesis are showcased like art in one sense do in fact put the spot light on patriarchy. One the other hand, this allows for a prosthesis to become something that is exchanged, and idealized not for their masculine qualities, but because they offer the potential of transforming the body in a process of exchange. Adapting to another form that is not permanent, but intended to be removed. It is also not used to replace something that was taken away, it instead intended to extend the body.