Thursday 29 September 2011

 Forms of Friction

The deconstruction of gender performativity within the singular body engages with the notion of gender fluidity, and the possibility of affinity between these forms. The bodily form generated from this process is considered Post Human through the rejection of heteronormative gender ideologies by the process of manipulating body through technology.
The function of the Post Human form engaging in gender performativity and technology serves to demonstrate the social construction of gender. It is the ability of the Post Human form to construct a ‘collaborative’ body, a body that is in a constant state of flux. It affixes the notion of the Post Human form as being able to successfully re-create its gender and identity in general through using technologies crafted for the body. 
The result of this process leads to multiple genderless forms. These forms accomplish a sense of affinity, not based on gender, race, age, sexuality, etc, but instead have created affinity based around their basic survival within their space as Post Human. 

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