Sunday 2 October 2011

The evolution of the Post Human.

My work did not start out to intentionally adapt a Queer politics within the Post Human form. Initially it was based around questioning gender roles in general. These typically took the form of transgendered bodies, and women's bodies in the domestic sphere.
These past works influenced the process of connecting a Queer politics to the Post Human form.


Today, 2009

Today looks into a female's desire to attain masculine qualities, as she feels it will allow for an escape from her everyday domestic routine.
The use of technology in Today is more literal in the sense that masculine faces are super imposed over the females. This allows for an amalgamation of feminine and masculine qualities.
This is the beginning of the transformation to Post Human within my works.


Confession, 2009

Confession focuses on a female who secretly desires to become male. Through the process of gender performativity, and experimenting with technological tools, the female transforms her identity to that of male.
Confession creates a sense of how we form our bodies around gender. Highlighting some of the tools used to incorporate the feminine and masculine, Confession visualizes how we generate our gendered selfs. 

Self Serve

Self Serve, 2010

Self Serve showcases a woman trapped in her role as a housewife. The woman, through her domination of the home, discovers the authority and pride that she attains through her work.
This sense of authority and pride is visualized through the process of super imposing images of men whom attain authoritative positions within society. Through this action, the woman is able to compare her sense of self to that of her male counterpart. She attains a sense of commonality with men through sharing this experience with men whom also rule their domain.

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