Sunday 2 October 2011

The Post Human look.

Lady, 2011

The Post Human form contains the ability to take on any form. The Post Human in Forms of Friction will assume a white form. Through using white forms, the body is able to adapt to any identity. These identities, which are in constant flux, do not become tainted by other wearable identities. The use of white implies a sense of purity. This purity is in relation to the Post Human not attaching themselves to one identity longer than is intended.
These white forms have evolved through my practice. No longer for only aesthetic purposes, the use of white has become a tactic when performing with bodily technologies such as make-up. 
Washing out the face and body of the individual allows for technologies such as (dark) make-up to show up clearly. The make-up is used for defining facial features of both feminine and masculine identities, and therefore creates the contours of the face. 
The body of the individual is left as a form without defining features. This creates the ambiguity that is the Post Human body. 
Figure, 2010

Fe-Mal-Ity, 2011

The consequences of the Post Human body is a body that does not have a body. Their bodies are not their own, they are constantly sharing their body with the others around them, adapting to different interactions and situations. 

The bodies in Forms of Friction are not influenced by social reality or heteronormativity, as it is now. These Post Human bodies for example do not change into a male/masculine form upon interaction with a feminine body. Instead the Post Human body is used only as a medium for these interactions. The form to which the body takes in that instant is of chance, and does not reflect inner persona. 

Affinity is the result.

Maskulinity, 2010

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